Managing Constructed Geometry

You can manage constructed geometry.

This functionality allows you to:

  • Create constructed geometry manually.
  • Associate/disassociate an existing geometry as constructed geometry (or representing geometry) of a tolerancing feature (User surface and Group of surfaces) with another existing geometry as represented geometry.
  • You can associate an existing constructed geometry (or representing geometry) with another existing geometry. In this case, the constructed geometry previous association is removed, then associated with the new selection.
  • An existing geometry cannot be its constructed geometry (or representing geometry) and represented geometry at the same time.
  • Query the direct or inherited constructed geometry of a given tolerancing feature.
  • Remove existing constructed geometry, but not its indirect representing geometries.
  • One or several representing geometries may be referenced by a represented geometry, but a representing geometry element can be referenced by only one represented geometry.

Creating a manual constructed geometry allows you to associate an existing geometry as constructed geometry of a tolerancing feature (User surface and Group of surfaces).

The lifecycle of manually constructed geometry is not managed by the application.

For this, you can select:

  • A 3D annotation: the corresponding tolerancing feature is retrieved.
  • A geometrical element: the corresponding tolerancing feature is retrieved or created.

See also Constructed Geometry settings.

Before you begin: Open an existing 3D shape.
Related Topics
About Constructed Geometry
Creating Constructed Geometry
  1. Click Constructed Geometry Management

  2. Select the datum.

    The Constructed Geometry Management dialog box appears.

  3. Select the reference plane as shown to define the gage plane of the related surface of the annotation.

    The Constructed Geometry Management dialog box is updated, the constructed geometry is created in manual mode: the associativity is managed by the user.

  4. Click OK in the dialog box.

  5. Click Constructed Geometry Management

  6. Re-select the previous datum.

  7. Click Indirect representing in the dialog box.

    The Constructed Geometry Management dialog box displays the indirect representing of the previously created constructed geometry (Plane.1 is a representing geometry element, named User Surface.6, of the selected reference plane in step 3).

  8. Click OK in the dialog box.