Creating a Bead

You can create and locate a bead fastener, i.e. a fastener whose location is 3D curve.

This task shows you how to:

Related Topics
Defining the Fastener Parts of the Engineering Connection Using the Assistant

Create the Bead

You can first create the bead.

  1. Click Bead Fastener in the Fasteners toolbar.

    The Bead Fastener Definition dialog box is displayed.

  2. Create or select the fastener reference (that will be instantiated).

    • Select an existing instantiated fastener instance in order to get its fastener reference,
    • Create a fastener reference by right-clicking the field and selecting the New contextual item.

      Refer to Creating a New Fastener Reference for more information.

    • Search the fastener reference in a catalog by right-clicking the field and selecting the Catalog contextual item.

    Each bead fastener instance is coupled with a fastener engineering connection used to store the list of fastened parts and define the positioning of constraints if needed.

  3. Select the joined zones, i.e. the set of parts to fasten.

  4. Click the Fastening Assistant button to use the assistant to define the fastener parts.

    Refer to Defining an Engineering Connection Using the Assistant.

  5. Select the Create into the closest common node option to aggregate the bead fastener instance under the first common product corresponding to the fastened parts. If this option is cleared, the bead fastener instance will be created and aggregated under the active product.

  6. Locate the bead instance as explained below.

  7. Click OK to create the bead fastener.

    The specified fastener reference is instantiated into the appropriate product, as a fastener instance product. The associated engineering connection that connects the specified part is be created in the same product. A default axis system named Fastener Axis System is also created in the same node.

Locate the Bead

You can position the bead fastener instance origin according to a point defined on a selected curve.

You have to specify an additional 3D Part in order to store the positioning elements. You can select an existing 3D Part aggregated by the father product of the bead fastener instance or create new one.

  1. Select On Curve in the Location method drop-down list.

  2. Select a Curve.

  3. Optional: Select the Reference Point (Extremity or Middle of the curve).

  4. Optional: Select a Surface if you have selected a point that does not lie on a surface.

  5. Optional: Define the distance to the reference point (Dis. to reference). You can click Invert to reverse the distance direction from the reference point.

  6. Optional: Define the distance type (Length or Ratio).