Setting the Remesh Options

You can automate the remesh operation after each modification of the local specifications of a surface mesh.

Before you begin: Enter the Surface Mesh workshop.
Related Topics
Creating Surface Meshes
Constraining Geometries
Imposing Nodes
Remeshing Domains
Editing the Topology
  1. In the Global Specifications toolbar, click Remesh Options .

    The Global Mesh Options dialog box appears.

  2. To automatically remesh the surface after a modification (adding or removing geometry constraints, editing the topology...), select the Auto remesh on modification check box.

    Important: When you remove a constraint on an edge, the surface is not automatically remeshed. You have to force the remesh operation.

  3. To force the remesh operation after removing a constraint on an edge, select the Force remesh on modification check box.

    Important: This option is available only when the Auto remesh on modification check box is selected.

  4. Click OK.