Constraining Geometries

You can create topologic specifications before generating a surface mesh.

The Geometry Local Specifications sub-toolbar provides tools to add or remove constraints on geometries (edges, vertices, holes...) and to create topology specifications that you can edit at any time. Those specifications are stored in the specification tree under a Topology Specifications set that belongs to the current 2D mesh.

Before you begin: Enter the Surface Mesh workshop.
Related Topics
Creating Surface Meshes
  1. To constrain edges, click Constrained Edge .

  2. To remove constraints on edges, click Unconstrained Edge .

  3. To constrain vertices, click Constrained Vertex .

  4. To remove constraints on vertices, click Unconstrained Vertex .

  5. To constrain holes, click Constrained Hole .

  6. To remove constraints on holes, click Unconstrained Hole .

  7. To project external curves and use the result of this projection to constrain the topology of the mesh:

    1. Click Imposed Curve .

      The Curve Projection dialog box appears.

    2. Select the curves you want to constrain.
    3. In the Tolerance box, enter a maximum distance to project external curves.

      If the distance between an external curve and the mesh is greater than the tolerance value, the curve is not projected.

    4. Click OK.

    A Topology Specifications set containing an Imposed Curves local specification appears in the specification tree.

  8. To project external points and use the result of this projection to constrain the topology of the mesh:

    1. Click Imposed Point .

      The Point Projection dialog box appears.

    2. Select the points you want to constrain.
    3. In the Tolerance box, enter a maximum distance to project external points.

      If the distance between an external point and the mesh is greater than the tolerance value, the point is not projected.

    4. Click OK.

    A Topology Specifications set containing an Imposed Points local specification appears in the specification tree.

  9. To group geometries, click Group Geometries .

    Important: You cannot select grouping specifications as support of other topology specifications. You can select grouping specifications as support of mesh specifications (for example, an edge distribution).