About Finite Element Model Representations

Finite element model representations are alternative representations of geometries that contains meshes and associated structural properties.

Related Topics
Accessing the Finite Element Modeling Workbench
Inserting Finite Element Model Representations
Managing Finite Element Model Representations
Meshing Geometries
Creating Structural Properties

What Is a Finite Element Model Representation?

A finite element model representation (also called FE Model representation or FEM representation) is an alternative representation of 1D, 2D or 3D geometries that contains finite element meshes and associated structural properties.

As other representations, the finite element model representation is attached to a product and a product can contain several finite element model representations.

An assembled finite element model representation is an assembly of finite element representations.

The process of splitting a complex part into elements is called meshing; the resulting collection of elements is called a finite element model (also called FE model or FEM). See About Meshes.

You have to define a finite element model representation before simulating a mechanical structure in the Structural Analysis workbench.

What Does a Finite Element Model Representation Contain?

A finite element model representation contains predefined categories that helps you to classify the objects stored in the finite element model.

A finite element model representation contains:

  • Meshes made of finite elements.
  • Structural properties applied to the finite elements.
  • Groups of elements.
  • Connection meshes.

In the specification tree:

  • Meshes and connection meshes are stored under the Nodes and Elements set.
  • Structural properties are stored under the Properties set.
  • Groups of elements can be stored under the Groups set or directly under a mesh.

To see the structure of a finite element model representation, see Tree Structure of Finite Element Model Representations.