Managing Finite Element Model Representations

You can link finite element model representations and 3D shapes.

When you need to select a geometry of a 3D shape (for example during the mesh creation, group creation, local specification definition...), make sure the 3D shape is explicitly linked to the finite element model representation:

  • If the product contains only one 3D shape, the finite element model representation is automatically linked to the 3D shape.
  • If the product contains several 3D shapes, use the FE Model Management capability to link the finite element model representation and the 3D shape.

When you need to create or work in an assembly context, you have to link the finite element model representations of the sub-products with the assembled finite element model representation.

Before you begin: A finite element model representation must be open.
Related Topics
Accessing the Finite Element Modeling Workbench
Inserting Finite Element Model Representations
  1. Double-click a finite element representation to activate it, and click FE Model Management .

    The FE Model Management dialog box appears.

    The options available in the dialog box are different depending on whether finite element model representations exist in sub-products or not.

  2. If you need to select a geometric support that belongs to a 3D shape, you must link finite element model representations to the 3D shape.

    • To link the activated finite element model representation to a 3D shape, select the 3D shape in the Linked shapes box.
    • To link all the 3D shapes of the sub-products to the activated finite element model representation, click Link all.
    • To open all the linked 3D shapes that are not open, click Open All.
    • To visualize all the linked 3D shapes, click .
    • To open a linked 3D shape that is not open, click , right-click the 3D shape you want to open, select Open, and click Close.
    • To remove a linked 3D shape, click , right-click the 3D shape you want to remove, select Remove, and click Close.
      Important: If you selected in the activated finite element model a geometric support that belongs to a 3D shape, a message appears to inform you that you cannot remove the link to this 3D shape.
    • To remove all the 3D shapes, click , select Remove All, and click Close.

  3. If finite element model representations exist in the sub-products, link the activated finite element model to the finite element model representations of the sub-products to describe the assembly of finite element models.

    Important: Only available if finite element model representations exist in the sub-products.

    • To link the activated finite element model to another finite element model representation, select a finite element model representation in the FE models box.
      Warning: You cannot link to the activated finite element model two finite element models that belong to the same sub-product.
    • To link all the finite element model representations of the sub-products to the activated finite element model representation, click Link all.
      Warning: You cannot link to the activated finite element model two finite element models that belong to the same sub-product.
    • To open all the linked finite element model representations that are not open, click Open All.
    • To visualize all the linked finite element model representations, click .
    • To open a linked finite element model representation that is not open, click , right-click the finite element model you want to open, select Open, and click Close.
    • To remove a linked finite element model representation, click , right-click the finite element model representation you want to remove, select Remove, and click Close.
      Important: If you selected in the activated finite element model a support that belongs to another finite element model, a message appears to inform you that you cannot remove the link between the two finite element models.
    • To remove all the linked finite element model representation, click , select Remove All, and click Close.

  4. Click Close.