Specification Tree

This section gives you information about the specification tree associated with a finite element model representation and a structural analysis simulation.

Tree Structure of Finite Element Model Representations

The following picture represents a typical specification tree for a finite element model representation:

Tree Structure of Structural Analysis Simulations

The specification tree of a structural analysis simulation is composed of three main categories: Model, Scenario, and Result. The following picture represents a typical specification tree for a structural analysis simulation.

Tree Symbols

The data in the Model, Scenario, and Result categories are linked and interrelated. Modifying an entity that is linked to a scenario or a result of scenario can change the update status of the scenario or the result of scenario. The ,, and symbols that are displayed in the specification tree help you determine the relationships between the data.

To learn more about those symbols, refer to Structural Analysis User's Guide: Creating Structural Analysis Simulations: About Structural Analysis Simulations.