Managing Links in a Finite Element Model Representation

Finite element model representations can link to entities including 3D shapes (support for meshes, support for groups...), other finite element model representations (in the assembly context), or Knowledgeware formulas.

When you modify the linked entity, you have to synchronize or reconnect the finite element model representation.

Related Topics
About Finite Element Model Representations
Updating Finite Element Model Representations

When a linked entity is modified, the finite element model representation is not synchronized. For example, if you modify the length of a pad that is meshed, the mesh is not invalidated, but it is no longer synchronized with the geometry.

You can synchronize links:

  • Automatically by using the PLM Update command. The linked entities and the finite element model representation are also updated.

    See Updating Finite Element Model Representations.

  • Manually by using Synchronize Link in the Edit Links and Relations or Impact command.

    See Links and Relations in the Infrastructure User's Guide.

When you remove or replace a geometry that is a support for a finite element model specification (by deleting or replacing the 3D shape that contains the meshed geometry, or by deleting the product that contains the meshed geometry), the finite element model specification is no longer valid. The Edit Links and Relations command or the Impact command allows you to easily identify the broken links in the Finite Element Modeling workbench and reconnect the links between geometric supports and finite element model specifications.

To replace the geometry and reconnect the links with the finite element model:

  1. Replace the geometry.
  2. Click Impact to analyze the broken links.
  3. Click Manual Reconnection , and select the new geometry.

    To learn more, see Reconnecting Links and Relations Manually.