Reconnecting Links and Relations Manually

You can reconnect links and relations manually.


  • You can reconnect PLM components with another of the same type: a 3D shape with another 3D shape, a product with another product, etc.

  • When you reconnect a PLM component which contains published elements:

    • You can reconnect publication by publication, or select the new PLM component product to reconnect all publications with the same names at once.

    • If the same published names are found in the new PLM component, these names are taken into account, to reconnect links, otherwise published names not found still linked with the previous PLM component.

Before you begin: Open an existing product containing 3D shapes with links and relations between them.
Related Topics
About Links and Relations
Reconnecting Links and Relations Automatically
Edit Links and Relations Dialog Box
  1. Click Impact .

    The Edit Links & Relations dialog box appears.

  2. Select the relation you want to reconnect in relation viewer and click Manual Reconnection .

  3. Select the PLM component desired.

    The relation is reconnected.

  4. Click the OK in the Edit Links & Relations

    dialog box.