Defining Transient Dynamic Scenarios

You can create a transient dynamic scenario containing an excitation and a damping to set up a dynamic solution where loads or restraints are excited.

Before you begin: A static scenario and a frequency scenario must be created and defined.
Related Topics
Creating an Analysis Scenario
Creating Dynamic Excitations
Defining Damping
Updating Scenarios
Executing a Simulation from the Structural Analysis Workbench
  1. Create a transient dynamic scenario. See Creating an Analysis Scenario.

    1. In the Scenarios toolbar, click Analysis Scenarios .
    2. In the list, select Transient dynamic.
    3. Click OK.

    The Transient Dynamic dialog box appears.

  2. Optional: In the Name box, modify the scenario name.

  3. Select an existing frequency scenario for the mode shapes.

  4. Optional: By default, an empty transient motion set and an empty transient load set are created.

    To reference an existing transient motion set:

    1. Select the Transient Load tab.
    2. In the Available list, select the transient load set.
    3. Click .

    To reference an existing transient load set:

    1. Select the Transient Motion tab.
    2. In the Available list, select the transient motion set.
    3. Click .

    The selected sets appear in the Referenced list. By default, a damping is created in the scenario.

  5. Optional: In the Parameters tab, modify the parameters of the dynamic scenario.

    The parameters of a transient dynamic scenario are:

    • Step Interval
    • Duration

  6. Click OK.

    The transient dynamic scenario containing the selected dynamic excitations and a damping is created.