Defining Buckling Scenarios

You can define a buckling scenario to require a buckling modes solution procedure for the computation of the system buckling critical loads and buckling modes for a given static scenario.

Before you begin: A structural analysis simulation containing a static scenario must be open.
Related Topics
Creating an Analysis Scenario
Creating Static Scenarios
Modifying the Excitations and the Parameters of a Scenario
Updating Scenarios
Executing a Simulation from the Structural Analysis Workbench
  1. Create a buckling scenario. See Creating an Analysis Scenario.

    1. In the Scenarios toolbar, click Analysis Scenarios .
    2. In the list, select Buckling.
    3. Click OK.

    The Buckling dialog box appears.

  2. Optional: In the Name box, modify the scenario name.

  3. Select the static scenario to which you want to associate your new buckling scenario.

  4. Optional: In the Parameters tab, modify the parameters of the buckling scenario.

  5. Click OK.

    The buckling scenario is now defined and ready to be updated or computed.The primary buckling solution result consists of a set of critical load factors and associated buckling shape vectors, whose components represent the values of the system degree of freedom for various buckling modes associated with a given static scenario.