Exporting Image Values to the PLM Database

You can export image values (3D coordinates, displayed values, axis system) into a .txt, .xlsx or .xls to the PLM database.

The exported data depends on the Data Parameters and the Selection Parameters of the Image Edition dialog box, and whether you selected or not the On boundary option of the color map dialog box (see Editing and Moving the Color Map).

Important: This command is not available for deformed mesh images and is valid only for images at the following positions: node, element, center of element and node of element.

Before you begin: An image must be created, activated, and up to date with respect to its linked entities.
Related Topics
Generating Images
Editing Images
Activating and Deactivating Images
Editing and Moving the Color Map
  1. In the specification tree, right-click an image and select Export Values.

    The Export Values dialog box appears.

  2. In the Type list, select the type of the export file (.xlsx, .xls or .txt).

  3. Optional: The current axis system of the (x,y,z) coordinates corresponding to the value position (node, center of element...) is indicated in the Location axis system box. To modify the axis system, click .

    To learn more about how to modify the axis system, see Modify the Axis System in an Image Context.

    The axis system definition is exported in the .txt, .xslx or .xls file (Location axis). The values of the axis system are exported. See Export of Axis System.The exported values depend on the axis system selected in the Image Edition dialog box.

    Important: Whatever the axis system you choose, the coordinates are transferred in the selected axis system but are still named (x,y,z).

  4. To indicate the name of the mesh in the export file, select the Include mesh name check box.

    Important: This option is available only with images generated at Element position. See Values.

  5. Click OK.

    The exported values are automatically displayed in the appropriate application, depending on the format you chose. The Document / Document Customized dialog box also appears.

  6. Optional: In the Name box, modify the name of the export document.

    Important: The name must be unique.

  7. Click Finish.

    A Documents folder containing the export document is created under the Results category in the specification tree. For example:

    If you propagate the simulation, the export documents you generated are automatically propagated in the database as documents attached to the simulation. To learn more about documents, see Simulations and Documents.

    Tip: Entities with no associated value are also exported if you selected the Display elements without value check box in the Image dialog box. No value is then displayed in the exported file.

    Example of exported values for a translational displacement vector image: