Export of Axis System

The values of the axis system selected in the image definition can be exported. The exported values depend on the axis system that is selected in the Image Edition dialog box. See Filters.

Related Topics
Exporting Image Values to the PLM Database
Coordinate System

Whatever the axis system selected in the Image Edition dialog box, the coordinates are transferred in the selected axis system but are still named (x,y,z).

Export of a Global Axis System

  • Cartesian
  • Cylindrical: the three first Values axis are the origin coordinates, the next three values are the X-axis coordinates and the last three values are the Y-axis coordinates. The exported values are interpreted as cylindrical coordinates in this global axis system.
  • Spherical: The three first Values axis are the origin coordinates, the next three values are the X-axis coordinates and the last three values are the Y-axis coordinates. The exported values are interpreted as spherical coordinates in this global axis system.

Export of a User Axis System

The three first Values axis are the origin coordinates, the next three values are the X-axis coordinates and the last three values are the Y-axis coordinates. Moreover the exported file indicates whether the coordinate system is:

  • Cartesian
  • Cylindrical
  • Spherical

Export of a Manual Axis System

The three first Values axis are the origin coordinates, the next three values are the X-axis coordinates and the last three values are the Y-axis coordinates. Moreover the exported file indicates whether the coordinate system is:

  • Cartesian
  • Cylindrical
  • Spherical

Export of a Local Axis System

(ux,uy,uz) are the coordinates of the X-direction of the local axis for the point (x,y,z).

(vx vy,vz) are the coordinates of the Y-direction of the local axis for the point (x,y,z).

The Z-direction is given by the cross product of X and Y.