RoutingRouting is defined to create flexible curve represenation. You can route branches between points, electrical devices, through supports as well as along existing curves and surfaces.
Route points are defined using Point
The start or end route points of existing branches can be used to define new branch routes. However, when branching out from existing branches, branch points are created on-the-fly. For more information about creating point, plane and line, refer to Generative Shape Design User's Guide: Creating Points, Creating Planes and Creating Lines. ContextWhen routing, the context is defined by the parent common to the harness bundle and all already-routed objects. If you subsequently select an object
outside this context, the system proposes to automatically update the context
for you. Specification Tree SelectionYou can select devices and supports in the specification tree if the selection is not ambiguous. Ambiguous means that there are several ways the branch can be routed, for example:
In this case, the pointer appears like this
The selection can only be made in the geometry area: the connection point closest to the selection is taken into account for the branch route. The pointer appears like this
The system automatically selects the segment connection point (for connectors and backshells) or the entry point (for supports) as if you had made the selection in the geometry area. Branch Shape ComputationBy default, the standard algorithm is used to compute branches and give you the best possible branch shape. Each time you click Apply or OK during the definition phase, or if you update the branch after any parameter modification, the standard algorithm is run. The
The Note: To give your segments a more realistic behavior that reflects segment stiffness, use the FLEX algorithm.