About Running Batches Using the Batch Monitor

This topic provides you with more information about the Batch Monitor.

Below are listed the batches available from the Batch Monitor window:

  • CATLdbBatchForRepurposing: lets you re-purpose a representation. See Distiller User's Guide: Re-Purposing in Batch Mode.
  • CATMmrVerifyUpdate: lets you check the validity of geometrical features. See CAA Mechanical Modeler Technical Article: Verifying the Validity of a Geometrical Feature.
  • CheckRepresentation: lets you check data integrity on representation. See Running the CheckRepresentation Batch.
  • CoexistenceAdministration: lets you manage V5/V6 Coexistence mapping data. See Running the CoexistenceAdministration Batch.
  • CoexistenceBatch: lets you migrate V5 data to V6. See VPM V5 Coexistence and Migration User's Guide: Running Coexistence and Migration Batch.
  • DataExchangePLMBatch: lets you exchange data between V6 and DXF, IGES/STEP. See Data Exchange Interfaces User's Guide: Launching DataExchangePLMBatch.
  • DataFilteringBatch: lets you filter a product. See Product Data Filtering User's Guide: Filtering in Batch Mode.
  • DownloadMetadata: lets you transfer the generated data from the ENOVIA V6 server to the client. See Coexistence and Migration User's Guide: Using the Coexistence Batch.
  • DrawingBatch: lets you update a list of drawings. See Interactive Drafting User's Guide: Updating Drawings Using the Batch Monitor.
  • DownwardCompatibility: lets you reuse V6 data from one release to another. See Running the Downward Compatibility Batch.
  • Export3DXML: lets you export data to 3D XML format. See VPM Supply Chain Collaborative Engineering User's Guide: Data Exchange: Batch Exporting 3D XML Files.
  • ExtractModelFromSequential: lets you extract CATIA Version 4 models from CATIA Version 4 sequential files. See V4 Integration User's Guide: Extract Version 4 Models from Sequential Files in Batch Mode.
  • ExportToV4: lets you migrate V6 data into V4 data. See the V4 Integration User's Guide: Migrating from CATIA V6 to CATIA V4: Exporting V6 Data into CATIA V4: Exporting V6 Data via the ExportToV4 Batch in Interactive Mode.
  • FastenerFlatReport: lets you use the Fastener Flat Report generator. See Automotive Body In White Fastening User's Guide: Reviewing Fasteners: Reporting Using CATUtil.
  • FBDI: lets you migrate V5 data to V6. See File-based Design Import User's Guide: Running the FBDI Batch.
  • Generic Batch: lets you run non-interactive executable files. See Running the Generic Batch.
  • Import3DXML: lets you import 3D XML data. See VPM Supply Chain Collaborative Engineering User's Guide: Data Exchange: Batch Importing 3D XML Files.
  • ImportStepPDM: lets you import assembly STEP files referencing external geometry files. See VPM Configured STEP Interface User's Guide: Importing Data with STEP VPM Configured Interface.
  • PLMItfCheck: lets you execute an interference simulation in batch mode. See Interference Management User's Guide: Executing an Interference Simulation: Executing a Simulation in Batch Mode.
  • PLMPrintBatch: lets you print documents without running V6. See Running the PLMPrintBatch.
  • PLMThumbnailBuilder: lets you build 2D and 3D thumbnails for PLM objects in database. See Live ENOVIA V6 Connector Deployment User's Guide: Building 3D Thumbnails from the Batch Monitor.
  • Repair Site Ownership: lets you recover the site ownership of a set of PLM components. See VPM Supply Chain Collaborative Engineering User's Guide: User Tasks: Using Repair Site Ownership Tool. in the ENOVIAVPM documentation.
  • SimulationClearComputations: lets you clear computation data in database. See Structural Analysis User's Guide: Viewing the Structural Analysis Simulation Results: Clearing Computation Data.
  • ToolingMigration: lets you migrate Tooling Components from V5 to V6. See Tooling Design User's Guide: Migrating Tooling Components from V5.
  • VPMV4ToV6Mapping: generates and posts on the server the mapping files and also generates some CATNls and CATRsc files required for a simple configuration of V6 applications. See Live ENOVIAvpm Connector Client Deployment Guide: Setting Up the ENOVIAvpm Connector: Attribute Mapping.