Organizing the Structure System

You can organize the structure system in various ways. The recommended method saves time in the designing process. The geometry in your document will not be affected by the way you organize documents.

Related Topics
About Organizing Structural Objects Inside a Structure System
Creating the Structure System
Synchronizing the Project Data
  1. Right-click the root product and select Insert > Existing 3D Part.

  2. Optional: Search for common geometry reference part in the database.

    This is the same part you assigned in Project Resource Management for the resource Common Geometry Reference.

  3. Optional: Click OK.

    The part is added in the product.

    Note: This part contains the 3D session grid. It can be manipulated using 3D session grid command. You need not create it again in your current session. It is visible across parts.

  4. Right-click the root product and select Insert > New 3D Part.

    You can specify the details of the part in the Product / Product DS dialog box appears.

    Inside this part you can insert project data. You can organize various panels inside the geometrical sets as per your convenience.

Image below shows a sample organized system.

  • It is recommended that you respect the dependencies of parts on other parts when you create your systems. A cross, for instance, is limited by a deck. Therefore, when you are organizing your document, you should organize crosses below decks in the specifications tree, as shown in the image below. This allows for faster modification of your design.
  • It is recommended that you create a system for each major component of your vessel. For instance, to create a deck, you need to first create a system, and then create the deck within this system. Follow this procedure for each deck, bulkhead and other major component.
  • For organizational purposes, it is recommended that you create assembly nodes (components or products), and create systems within these.