About Organizing Structural Objects Inside a Structure System

Structure objects are the root members of your structure system. Knowledge about the organization of structure objects inside the structure system will save your design time.

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Organizing the Structure System

In your structure system,

  • Panels can be created at the root level as well as inside the geometrical set.
  • Stiffeners / stiffener on free edge are always created under a panel.
  • Openings and slots are always created under a panel or a stiffener or a member.
  • Beams are always created inside a geometrical set.

    When using the Beam command, a geometrical set called as ConstructionSet is created. You can locate it in the specification tree. The construction geometry is located under this node, in the specification tree.

  • It is recommended to organize your structure system using geometrical set.

    You can drag the structure elements from one geometrical set, and drop it in another geometrical set inside the same structure system.