Adjusting a Light Source Direction

You can adjust an existing light source direction so that it best suits your needs. You will learn how to:

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: Create a light source explained in Creating a Light Source
Related Topics
More about Adjusting a Light Source Direction
Creating a Light Source
More about Creating a Light Source
Adjusting Light Source Parameters

Access the Light Direction Contextual Menu

You can access the Light Direction contextual menu.

  1. Right-click the light either in the specification tree or geometry area.

  2. Select Position Direction in the contextual menu displayed

    The Direction dialog box is displayed and lets you edit the light direction, the rotation step as well as the quick orientation:

    To have more information on the Direction dialog box refer to More about Adjusting a Light Source Direction.

  3. When satisfied, click OK to validate your parameters.

  4. Right-click the manipulator in the geometry area.

    A new contextual menu is displayed:

    Save Light Direction
    Free Rotation

    (Default option)

    Rotate around X
    Rotate around Y
    Rotate around Z

Save the Light Direction

You can save the light direction.

  1. Select Save Light Direction in the manipulator contextual menu.

    The Save Direction dialog box is displayed:

  2. Once you are satisfied with the position of your light source, click the Save button to store the light position.

    Each light position is saved under the following name: Direction.n, for instance Direction.1 for the first position , "n" being incremented by one for each new position you save.

    Important: You can save as many positions as necessary but keep in mind that you are not allowed to modify the position name.

  3. When finished, click OK to validate.

  4. If you want to use one of the light positions you saved:

    1. Re-select Save Light Direction.
    2. Double-click the desired position for instance Direction.2.

      The light position is updated accordingly in the geometry area.

Define the Rotation Axis

In the light direction contextual menu, select the type of rotation you wish to apply for the light direction (Free Rotation is the default option).

The rotation commands let you rotate the light source around the absolute axis system:

Free Rotation

(Default option)

You can rotate freely your light source around the X, Y or Z axis using the two green manipulators
Rotate around X You can rotate up or down your light source around the X axis only
Rotate around Y You can rotate up or down your light source around the Y axis only
Rotate around Z You can rotate up or down your light source around the Z axis only

When you select the rotation around the X, Y or Z axis, the green manipulators are hidden and only the light target is displayed:

Tip: You can also modify the rotation parameters by accessing the Direction dialog box. For more information refer to More about Adjusting a Light Source Direction.