Creating a Standard Environment

You can create an environment.

Three environment types are available: box, sphere and cylinder.

Related Topics
More About Creating a Standard Environment
Managing Environment Walls
Snapping the Bottom Wall to the Geometry
  1. Click Create Rendering Scene in Scene Editor toolbar.

    The Rendering Scene Creation dialog box appears.

  2. Enter a name or keep it as the default name given.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Click Create Box Environment in Scene Editor toolbar (Create Environment sub-toolbar) if you want to create an environment with a rectangular shape (to represent a room for example).

  5. Zoom out then click anywhere in the geometry area to deselect the environment.

    The Box environment is taken as an example in this scenario but you can also:

    • click Create Spherical Environment if you want an environment being a non-dimensional sphere with two hemispheres: top and bottom (to simulate a sky for example):

    • click Create Cylindrical Environment if you want an environment having a cylindrical shape:

    You can create several environments at the same time. They will all be visible and active. If you want to have only one environment active, right-click the other environments in the specification tree then select Hide/Show. In our example, Environment 1 and Environment 2 are deactivated, and Environment 3 is active.

    To activate an environment, right-click it in the specification tree then select Hide/Show.

  6. Position your pointer over the edges then use the green segmentsdisplayed to resize the environment walls:

    • Drag a segment to resize the walls according to the edges
    • Press the Shift key and drag a segment to resize the walls according to the center.

  7. Right-click the environment in the specification tree then select Properties.

    The Properties dialog box is displayed.

  8. Select the Dimensions tab to define the environment size. In our example, specify the Length, Width and Height of the walls in millimeter.

  9. Select the Position tab to interactively define:

    • The environment translation from the origin along the X, Y or Z axis

    • The environment translation along the X, Y, or Z Axis.

    The Feature Properties tab provides general information on the currently selected environment, e.g. its name, its creation date, etc.

    Tips: You can also interactively position your environment by dragging the robot and dropping it onto the environment. If you deactivate the surfacic flange on which the joggles have been built, all the joggles are deactivated.

    You can now move on to Managing Environment Walls or Snapping the Bottom Wall to the Geometry.