Select Start
> Infrastructure > VPM Functional Logical Editor to enter the
VPM Functional Logical Editor workbench.
The RFPL specification tree appears on the left hand side of your screen.
Create a logical reference:
- Select Logical in the specification tree and click Insert a New Reference
in the RFLP General Commands toolbar. The Logical dialog box appears.
You can specify the name of the system and enter a description in the Name and Description boxes respectively.
- Click Finish.
1 node is created under the Logical node in the specification tree.
For more information, refer to VPM Functional Logical Editor User's Guide: Functional and Logical Definition: Insertion: Inserting New Reference.
Create a physical reference:
- Select Physical in the specification tree and click Insert a New Reference
The Insert - Step 1 - Product dialog box appears.
- Select Product and click Next.
The Product / Product DS dialog box appears.
You can specify the necessary details about the system in the respective boxes in this dialog box.
- Enter the necessary details and click Finish.
Product x node is created under the Physical node in the specification tree.
Create an implement relation:
- Double-click Logical 1 in the specification tree to activate it.
- Click Create an Implement Relation
in the RFLP Implement Links toolbar and select
Product x in the specification tree. The Implement Relation dialog box appears.
You can specify the name and enter the description in the Name and Description boxes respectively.
- Click Finish.
The implement link is created between the logical and physical roots.
The Implement Relations node with Implement 1 sub-node is created under the Physical node in the specification tree.
For more information, refer to VPM Functional Logical Editor User's Guide: Implement: Creating Implement Relations.
Create a logical port:
- Click Create New Logical Port
in the RFLP Logical Commands toolbar and select Logical 1 in the specification tree. The Insert New Logical Port / Logical Port DS dialog box appears.
- Enter the name and description in the Name and Description boxes respectively and select direction in the Direction list.
- Click Finish.
A logical port is created, represented by a triangle in the graphic area.
The Ports node is added in the specification tree under Logical node.
For more information, refer to VPM Functional Logical Editor User's Guide: Functional and Logical Definition: Logical: Creating Logical Ports.
Create another logical reference with logical port in out direction.
Create a logical connection:
- Click Create New Logical Connection
in the RFLP Logical commands toolbar and select a logical port. A connection line appears.
- Select second logical port.
The System Type Association dialog box appears.
- Select the system type to associate and click Next.
The Logical Connection dialog box appears.
You can specify the name and enter the description in the Name and Description boxes respectively.
- Click Finish.
The logical connection is created.
The Connections node with Cnx 1 sub-node is created under the Logical node in the specification tree.
For more information, refer to VPM Functional Logical Editor User's Guide: Functional and Logical Definition: Logical: Creating Logical Connections.