Selecting a Scene

You can select a scene.

Before you begin: When you have loaded the Product, it is recommended that you use the Perspective view, in the View Menu > Render Style > Perspective, in order to obtain a realistic rendering.
Related Topics
Using Rendering Options
Selecting a Predefined Scene
Customizing a Scene
  1. Open a Product.

    Throughout this guide, we will often use the Teapot in our examples.

    Refer to Interface Description to access Photo Studio and its Render toolbar.

  2. Select Rendering Tools .

    The Render toolbar opens:

    This toolbar contains five commands that we will be detailed in this guide. Under these icons, you can find information about the size of your computed image, for example: 343 x 331 pixels.

  3. Click Render .

    The following image is displayed:

    Note: By default, there is always a selected scene but you can select a different one in the list of Predefined scenes or define your own scene (Custom scene).