Selecting a Predefined Scene

You can render images either on a Representation or a Product made of Representations, models, cgr, ... whatever object since it is visualized in the CATIA window. A scene is a set to show the object to advantage; it is made of lighting, and optionally of a Background and a Ground, on which the object is supported.

Before you begin: When you have loaded the Product, it is recommended to use the Perspective view, in the View Menu > Render Style > Perspective, in order to obtain a realistic rendering.
Related Topics
Using Rendering Options
  1. Click Select Scene in the Render toolbar.

    A window with a list of pre-defined scenes, delivered by Photo Studio, appears:

    Note: This dialog box is made up of three tabs:

    • Predefined: you can choose a scene in this list. This is a ready-to-use catalog.
    • Favorites: you can store your favorite scenes (predefined or custom).
    • Custom: you can custom your own scene.

  2. Select the scene of your choice ("Desktop 2" in our example) and click OK.

    The selected scene is set behind the object:

  3. Click Render.

    You obtain:

    Note: The Rendering has been calculated on the teapot, and the selected scene has been inserted as a background. The current default lighting is replaced by the predefined lighting of the scene. Moreover, a background image is drawn in the 3D window and a ground is displayed in the 3D window too.

    These scenes are of a great interest for beginners, because they allow to:

    • Have nice, concrete backgrounds without spending time on looking for them,
    • Have an immediate and good result without any special knowledge in rendering, because these scenes have been well-set, adjusted at best.