Select Body.1 in the specification tree.
Select Edit > Properties or select the
Properties contextual command.
The Properties dialog box appears.

Three tabs deal with bodies:
- Feature Name: displays the body's name .
This name is editable if the 3D shape is not read only.
Enter Assemble1 in the Name box. The new name
appears in the specification tree.
The application also displays the date of creation and of
the last modification.
Click the Graphic tab to change the color
of the body.
The graphic properties available for editing
- Fill Color (colors the current object)
and Transparency
- Edge Color, Line type and Thickness
- Global Properties
To have details about how to change graphic properties, see
Infrastructure User's Guide: Editing Objects: Editing Graphic
Click the Reference tab.

Click OK.
The application takes these modifications into account and displays
the new body's name.