Creating Face-Face Fillets

You can create a face to face fillet by selecting two faces. The Face-face Fillet command is generally used when there is no intersection between the faces or when there are more than two sharp edges between the faces.

This task shows you how to:

Related Topics
More About Face-Face Fillet
About Creating Fillets
Creating Edge Fillets
Creating Variable Radius Fillets
Creating Tritangent Fillets

Create a Basic Face-face Fillet

You can create a basic fillet by selecting two faces.

  1. Click Face-Face Fillet .

    The Face-Face Fillet Definition dialog box appears.

  2. Select the faces you want to fillet.

  3. Enter a radius value in the Radius box if you are not satisfied with the default one. For example, enter 31mm.

  4. Click Preview to see the fillet to be created.

  5. Click More>> to access the Limiting element option.

  6. Select Limiting element and select Plane.1 as the trimming plane.

    An arrow appears on the plane to indicate the portion of material that will be kept.

  7. As you wish to keep the opposite portion of material, click this arrow to reverse the direction.

  8. Click OK.

    The faces are filleted. The fillet is trimmed by Plane.1. This creation is indicated in the specification tree.

Create a Face-face Fillet Using a Hold Curve

Instead of entering a radius value, you can use a "hold curve" to compute the fillet. Depending on the curve's shape, the fillet's radius value is then more or less variable.

  1. Select both faces as shown then expand the dialog box to access further options.

  2. Select Join.2 as the hold curve.

    The curve must be sketched on one of the selected faces.

  3. Select the spine you want to use.

    The spine provides a better control of the fillet.

    To compute the fillet, the application uses circles contained in planes normal to the spine. It is then possible to control the shape of the fillet.

  4. Preview the fillet.

  5. Repeat the operation and select this spine.

    The fillet has a different shape.