Creating View Filters

You can create view filters, which enable you to modify the visualization of elements in a layout design view.

Before you begin:
  • Open a 3D shape representation containing a layout.
  • Double-click Sheet.1 in the specification tree to open the layout in the 2D window.
  • In the Visualization toolbar, make sure that the Display Backgrounds as Specified for Each View icon is active.
Related Topics
About View Filters
Applying a Filter to a View
Cleaning Up Unused View Filters
Layout View Filters Dialog Box
Edit Filter Dialog Box
  1. From the layout window, perform either of the following operations:

    • Select Tools > Layout View Filters... to create a new filter.
    • Right-click one or several views from the geometry area or from the specification tree, and select Filter > Layout View Filters... to create a new filter for this (or these) view(s).

    The Layout View Filters dialog box is displayed, enabling you to create filters. Refer to Layout View Filters Dialog Box for more information.

  2. Click Display filter....

    A display filter is created and the Edit Filter dialog box is displayed to let you edit the filter. Refer to Edit Filter Dialog Box for more information.

    Tip: If you'd rather edit the filter later on, you can click Cancel. This will cancel the filter's edition, not its creation.

  3. For the purpose of this scenario, you will define a filter that prevents Partbody from being selected using its 3d background and that dims it. Select the Unpickable low-intensified visualization type and make sure the Add mode is active.

  4. Select PartBody in the specification tree.

    PartBody is now added to the filter and the Unpickable low-intensified visualization type is applied to it.

  5. Click OK to validate and exit the Edit Filters dialog box.

  6. Optional: Create other filters.

  7. Back in the Layout View Filters dialog box, select the newly-created filter and click Apply.

  8. Click OK.

    The dialog box is closed and the newly created filter is applied to the front view. Note that you cannot select the PartBody via the 3D background and that it is displayed using a dimmed color.