About View Filters

This topic provides more information about view filters.

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General Information Regarding View Filters

This sub-topic provides general information regarding view filters.

Elements visualized in the 2D and 3D backgrounds of a given layout view come from other views in the layout or from other bodies of the 3D shape or even from other 3D shapes of the assembly. As a result, the representation of a view can easily become overloaded: thanks to filters, you can visualize only those elements that are relevant for the design.

There are two types of view filters:

  • Display filters define a list of elements to display and possibly overload while the remainder of the background is hidden.
  • Mask filters define a list of elements to overload while the remainder of the background is displayed in the same way as defined in 3D.

View filters can be created for the following view types:

  • Projection views (front, top, bottom, left, right and rear).
  • Isometric views.
  • Section views, section cuts and auxiliary views.

New views are created according to the options selected in Tools > Options > Mechanical > 2D Layout for 3D Design > View Creation tab > Filter category. Refer to View Creation for more information.

Filterable Elements

This sub-topic provides more information about the different elements that you can filter.

2D Layout for 3D Design Elements

The following 2D Layout for 3D Design elements can be filtered: 2D Layouts (this filters all the views in all the layout sheets), sheets (this filters all the views in this sheet), design views belonging to the same layout.

Assembly Design or VPM Physical Editor Elements

The following PLM element can be filtered: sub-assembly instances (contained in the same assembly as the layout), 3D Part instances, 3D Shape instances.

Part Design Elements

The following Part Design elements can be filtered: xy plane, yz plane, zx plane, PartBody, Body at the first level, Geometrical Set (under the root 3D shape or contained in another Geometrical Set), Ordered Geometrical Set of first level, User Defined Feature (only contained in a Geometrical Set).

Functional Tolerancing & Annotation Elements

The following Functional Tolerancing and Annotation elements can be filtered: Annotation, Annotations Set, Capture Callout, Constructed geometry, Datum, Deviation, Dimension, Distance Between two points, Geometrical Tolerance, Note, View.

Generative Shape Design Elements

The following Generative Shape Design elements contained in a Geometrical Set (under the root 3D shape or contained in another Geometrical Set), and listed in the table below, can be filtered:

3D Curve Offset Adaptive Sweep Affinity Axis line Axis to Axis Bead Blend Boundary Bump Circle Combine Conic Connect Curve Corner Curve (Isolated) Curve Smooth Cylinder Datum Curve Datum Point Datum Surface Develop Diabolo Edge Fillet Extract Extrapolate Extremum Extremum Polar Extrude Face-Face Fillet Fill Healing Helix Hole Hole Curve Intersection Inverse Isoparametric Curve Join Junction Law Line Mating Flange Multi Output Feature Multiple Extract Multi selection surface Near Offset Outputs from MultiOutput Parallel Curve Pattern of Features circular Pattern of Features rectangular Plane Plane between Plane set Point Polyline Projection Reflect Line Revolve Rotate Rough Offset Scaling Shape FilletShape morphing Sketch Sketch output feature (both types) Sphere Spine Spiral Spline Split Surface (isolated) Sweep Symmetry Translate Trim Tritangent Fillet Unfold Untrim Variable Fillet Variable Offset Wrap Curve Warp Surface

Non-Filterable Elements

This sub-topic provides more information about the different elements that you cannot filter.

You cannot filter any element that is not listed as being filterable (in the preceding paragraph). Among these, you cannot filter the following elements:

  • Bodies or Ordered Geometrical Sets which are not at the first level.
  • Elements contained in a PartBody or in an Ordered Geometrical Set.
  • 3D shape features, CAA features, Volumes, 3D Measure elements.
  • Bodies that are the object of a boolean operation.
  • Design views belonging to another layout, isometric views belonging to the same or another layout.

The Default Filter

This sub-topic provides more information about the Default filter.

A Default filter exists in any layout and may be applied automatically to all newly created views. This filter specifies that the layout should be hidden from the 2D background: this means that in each view, by default, you only see the view content and the 3D background.

The purpose of this Default filter is to avoid overloading the layout with unnecessary data. Indeed, it is only in certain specific cases that you will want the 2D background to be displayed (when creating section views for example). You can always delete this filter, or apply another filter to any view in the layout.

Equivalent Filters

This sub-topic provides more information about equivalent filters.

When creating a view from a FTA capture, the capture definition is saved in a layout as an equivalent filter (mask filter type). This is the only way to create an equivalent filter.

An equivalent filter is associative with its reference FTA capture. A single filter can be created from a FTA capture. If several 2D layout views are created from the same FTA capture, the same equivalent filter is re-used to filter the created views.

Once created, the filters equivalent to FTA captures are accessible from the Layout View filters dialog box and can be applied to any kind of layout views. These filters are not editable, but you can change their content by changing their reference capture.

Refer to Creating a Filtered View From an FTA Capture.

Miscellaneous Information Regarding View Filters

This sub-topic provides miscellaneous information regarding view filters.

  • You cannot change the filter type (Display, Mask or Equivalent) once it has been created.
  • Filters do not change the graphic properties of elements in the filtered view, they simply overload them. This means that filters cannot show elements that are hidden in the 3D model, nor can they make pickable elements which are not pickable in the 3D model.
  • More generally, filters conform to the standard behavior of elements. Refer to the specific User's Guide for more information.
  • When pasting to another layout a view to which view filters are applied, the filter is not pasted (therefore, the view is not filtered).
  • When editing a multi-instantiated 3D shape layout in the context of a product, only the edited instance is affected by the filter, and only the sub-elements of the 3D shape reference can be filtered.
  • Filtered elements may be impacted by the result of an operation (such as activating/deactivating the elements, changing its Hide, Low Intensity or No Pick property, cutting, deleting, etc.). Most operations are automatically supported and you do not need to perform an update. However, after having selected a feature or a Geometrical Set in the context of a Change Geometrical Set operation, you need to perform a manual update (using the Local Update command which is available when right-clicking the layout, sheet or view).
  • You can launch Edit > Selection Sets and Edit > Search while the Edit Filter dialog box is running. However, only filterable elements are actually selected. You can also use the power input mode to launch a search query. For more information on selection sets, search operations and the power input mode, refer to the Infrastructure User's Guide.