Creating a Section From Two Planes

You can create two section views or section cuts using two existing 3D planes as supports. These 3D planes can be defined in the same representation or in another representation.

Before you begin: Open a 3D shape representation containing a layout. Open the layout in the 2D window, alongside the 3D window.
Related Topics
More About Sections From Two Planes
Creating a 3D Plane
Creating a View Using Generative View Styles
  1. Click New Section From 2D Planes in the Layout toolbar.

    Note: By default this command is not available in the Layout toolbar. However, you can obtain it by customizing the toolbar. Refer Infrastructure User's Guide: Customizing for more information.

  2. Select a plane from the specification tree or from the geometry area (the xy plane, for example).

  3. Select another plane from the specification tree or from the geometry area (the yz plane, for example).

    • You cannot select two parallel planes.
    • You can select a created 3D plane using 3D Plane . For more information, refer to Creating a 3D Plane.

    The Tools Palette is automatically displayed with the following options:

    • Section View: creates a section view.

    • Section Cut: creates a section cut.

    Important: These options are also available from a contextual menu.

  4. Select Section Cut .

  5. Click on the sheet at the location where you want the view to be positioned.

    • Section views/cuts are always created using the sheet scale. The primary view scale, when it is different from the sheet scale, is not propagated to other section views/cuts.
    • If you change the sheet scale (defined in the sheet properties), the scale of all existing views (defined in the view properties) is multiplied by that of the sheet (for example, if existing views already have a scale of 1/10, and if you change the sheet scale to 1/10, then existing views will now have a scale of 1/100).

    Two empty aligned section views are created. Additionally, two new Section view items are added to the specification tree.

    You can now create 2D geometry in these views.