About ProfilesIf you are not satisfied with the profile you selected, note that you can:
Concerning the creation of posts, in addition to points, sketches can contain curves, which enables
you to obtain results as illustrated below: Extension TypeTo define the extension type you want, you can set one of the four options available from the Extension type drop down list:
Fillet TabTo define the extension type you want, you can set one of the four options available from the Extension type drop down list: When you have the rib like below with the ends of the open
profiles, you can add the fillets at the ends of the open profile
with Lateral radius and Fillet profile ends options.
The Fillet profile ends option can be combined with other
radius options. Please see Creating a Prism for some examples. If you want to add an intersection fillet, you can choose between Intersection with Core/Cavity, Intersection with Core or Intersection with Cavity in the Intersection Fillet box. Select the Preserve Thickness checkbox if you want to keep the thickness applied on the feature. Thin SolidTo define a thin solid, you can set one of the two options
available from the Type drop down list:
Extend Across Removed FacesSelectingAcross removed faces as Extension type causes the
feature not to be confined within the wall of the deleted face of
the shelled volume.
Posts TabThe Reference box lets you choose between three types of elements used for neutral elements for applying the taper angle. The three elements available are:
The draft properties defined in the Draft tab can be used in the Posts tab for creating a rib feature. In this case, the draft angle value is assigned to the Taper Angle field. This option is then disabled and dimmed. A new Use parting element option is added in the Reference box. |