More about Draft Properties

The Draft Properties command assigns draft properties to an active body of the functional features. You can also assign draft properties to a feature by defining properties specific to the feature you are creating.

The following are discussed:

Related Topics
Setting Draft Properties
Inserting a Solid Functional Set

Draft Properties Versus Intrinsic to Feature

The draft properties apply to all the features of the shellable body provided that these are not assigned the Intrinsic to feature option to define their draft behaviors. If that occurs, what you need to do then is just edit the features. More precisely, click the Draft tab and change Intrinsic to feature to Draft Properties.x

You can select the 2D output sketches, 2D output profiles and 2D layout profiles as neutral element of intrinsic draft.

To see an example, refer to Creating a Boss

Parting Element

Contextual commands available from the Parting element box let you create planes.

These commands are:

  • Create Plane: for more information, see Generative Shape Design User's Guide: Creating Wireframe Geometry: Creating Planes.
  • XY Plane: the XY plane of the current coordinate system origin (0,0,0)
  • YZ Plane:the YZ plane of the current coordinate system origin (0,0,0) becomes the parting element.
  • ZX Plane: the ZX plane of the current coordinate system origin (0,0,0) becomes the parting element.
  • Create Join: joins surfaces or curves. For more information, see Generative Shape Design User's Guide: Performing Operations on Shape Geometry: Joining Surfaces or Curves.
  • Create Extrapol: extrapolates surface boundaries or curves. For more information, see Generative Shape Design User's Guide: Performing Operations on Shape Geometry: Extrapolating Surfaces and Extrapolating Curves.

Selecting Draft Properties from Another Solid Functional Set

You can access draft properties defined in another solid functional set. All draft properties are displayed and can be selected for feature definition even though draft properties are defined in different solid functional sets. At the selection of draft properties in the dialog box, all the draft properties located in the document are displayed in the Draft behavior combo box: you can select any of them for the feature you are defining.

Display Only Parents

The Display Only Parents option can be used while editing a functional feature. It is mainly useful for local modifiers such as draft, chamfer and fillet features that use face or edge selections.

This capability displays the minimum creation context of the feature being edited by deactivating the feature and all the features which are not parents from it.

For more information, see Using the Display Only Parents Option to Retrieve a Creation Context