Meshing 1D Beam Geometries

You can create a 1D beam mesh using linear or parabolic 1D elements and how to add local specifications.

Before you begin: You have to create or insert a finite element model representation.
Related Topics
Accessing the Finite Element Modeling Workbench
Inserting Finite Element Model Representations
Updating Meshes
Creating 1D Properties
  1. In the Meshes toolbar, click Beam Mesh .

    The Beam Mesh dialog box appears.

  2. Select a 1D geometry as Support.

    The local specifications are now available.

  3. Select the Element type you want to create (linear or parabolic).

    • If you want to mesh the support using 1D elements without intermediate node, select Linear.
    • If you want to mesh the support using 1D elements with intermediate node, select Parabolic.

  4. In the Size box, enter a value to specify the global size of 1D mesh element.

  5. To ignore existing vertices of the initial topology, enter a value in the Angle between curves box.

  6. Optional: Add sag specifications to refine the mesh in curve-type geometry.

    The sag is the distance between the mesh elements and the geometry.

    • If you want to specify an absolute sag, select the Absolute sag check box, and enter a value in the Minimum size box.
    • If you want to specify a proportional sag, select the Proportional sag check box, and enter a value in the Minimum size box.

  7. Optional: If you want to create a 1D mesh compatible with an existing mesh, select the Automatic mesh capture check box.

    1. Enter a tolerance value in the Tolerance box.
    2. Select the mesh you want to capture.

  8. Optional: To project external points on the geometry:

    1. Click Point Projection.

      The Point Projection dialog box appears.

    2. Select the points you want to project.
    3. In the Tolerance box, enter a tolerance value.
    4. If you want to project the selected points on the geometry, select the Projection on geometry check box.
    5. Click OK.

  9. Optional: To distribute nodes:

    1. Click Edge Distribution.

      The Edge Distribution dialog box appears.

    2. Select the supports. Multi-selection of supports is available.
    3. Select one of the following distribution types in the Type list:

      • Uniform to distribute all nodes with the same distance.
      • Arithmetic
      • Geometric
      • User law

    4. Define the distribution parameters.

      Here are examples of the distribution result depending on the selected distribution type:

      • If you selected Uniform and the number of edges is equal to 10, the distribution looks like:

      • If you selected Arithmetic or Geometric without symmetry, the distribution looks like:

      • If you selected Arithmetic or Geometric with symmetry, the distribution looks like:

    5. Click OK.

  10. Click Apply.

  11. Optional: Edit manually the mesh.

    You can manually move, freeze and unfreeze nodes or split and condense edges of 1D beam elements.

  12. Click OK.

    You have now to apply a 1D property. See Creating 1D Properties.