Updating Meshes

You can update a particular mesh or you can update all the existing meshes.

Before you begin: A finite element model representation containing at least a mesh must exist.
Related Topics
Accessing the Finite Element Modeling Workbench
Inserting Finite Element Model Representations
Meshing Geometries
  1. To update a mesh, right-click it in the specification tree, and select Update Mesh.

    Multi-selection of meshes is available.

    The PLM Update... progress bar appears and shows you the steps and the progression of the mesh update.

    Important: The Nodes and Elements set will not be updated even if you update locally all the meshes (updating locally meshes means that you update one by one all the meshes of this set using the Update Mesh contextual menu). To update the Nodes and Elements set, you have to use the Update All Meshes contextual menu.

  2. To update all meshes, right-click Nodes and Elements in the specification tree, and select Update All Meshes.

    The PLM Update... progress bar appears and shows you the mesh that is currently updated, the steps and the progression of the update.

  3. To interrupt the update of an Octree mesh (Octree Tetrahedron mesh or Octree triangle mesh) or the update of all meshes, click Stop.