More About Data Mapping

Data mapping allows you to import load described by a scalar field from a text (.txt) or an Excel (.xlsx, .xls) file, and to re-use data that are external data (experimental data or data coming from in-house codes or procedures). The imported values are interpolated at the center of gravity of each element. You can also integrate user loading knowledge and processes into this version. Data mapping is useful when you want to re-use a load field created without CATIA or with a former version of CATIA.

Important: The availability of this option depends on your available licenses. See Licensing.

The following topics are discussed:

Related Topics
Using Data Mapping

Data Mapping File Format

Data mapping files are text files (.txt) or Excel files (.xlsx, .xls) that must respect a pre-defined format.

Data mapping files must respect the following rules:

  • Four columns.
  • Each cell must contain a numerical value.
  • The first three columns define the point coordinates (X, Y, and Z) in the global axis system. Units between parentheses must be specified in the first row.
  • The last column defines the amplification coefficient. This coefficient is a non-dimensional value, no unit must be added.

If the external data file is a text file, columns are separated using the Tab key.

Data Mapping Algorithm

There are three steps in the data mapping algorithm.

An entity can be an element, an edge or a face. For a pressure, an entity is a face; for a line force density, an entity is an edge; for a temperature field, an entity is an element.

  1. Checking that the center of gravity of each entity of the recipient mesh is inside the axis-aligned bounding box of the source mesh (automatic tolerance).
  2. Matching that the center of gravity of each entity of the recipient mesh with some of the nearest points of the scalar field. These points are processed as if they were the vertices of the a finite element. The matching is done at the centers of gravity of the recipient mesh entities (resulting load location), and not at their nodes.
  3. Interpolating the scalar field of the source mesh on the recipient mesh using the nodal functions of the finite element.