Getting Information about Images and Extrema

You can get textual information about images or an extrema you generated.

Before you begin: An image must exist.
Related Topics
Generating Images
Identifying Nodes and Elements
Creating Extrema
  1. In the Image Tools toolbar, click Information .

  2. Select an image, a node, an element or an extremum.

    The Information box appears with information on the selected image or the selected extrema.The information displayed in the information dialog box depends on your selection. For example:

    • If you selected an element, the identification number of the element and the associated value are displayed.
    • If you selected a node, the coordinates of the node and the value with the unit are displayed.

    Note: When selecting an element or a node on an envelop image, additional information is displayed such as the solution, the component, the layer, and the laminate where the entity value has been found.

  3. Select another image, node, element or extrema.

    The content of the information box is modified.

  4. Click Close.