Creating Extrema

You can detect extremum values for an image. Detecting extrema consists in localizing points where a results field is maximum or minimum. You can ask the program to detect either one or both global extrema and an arbitrary number of local extrema for your field.

Before you begin: An image must be created, activated, and up to date with respect to its linked entities.
Related Topics
Generating Images
Activating and Deactivating Images
Getting Information about Images and Extrema
  1. In the Image Tools toolbar, click Extrema .

  2. Select an image.

    The Extrema dialog box appears.

  3. If you want the system to detect global maximum and minimum values, select the Global check box.

    You can then enter the number of maximum and minimum you want to create.

  4. If you want to detect and create local extrema, select the Local check box.

  5. Click OK.

    The extrema are created.

    This is an example for global extrema creation:

    The corresponding specification tree is:

    By default, there is no displayed label for local extrema.

  6. Optional: To modify the display of the value corresponding to a global or local extremum, double-click this extremum in the specification tree.

    The Extremum dialog box appears.

  7. Select the Show label check box to display the value.

    You can also move the label.

  8. Click OK.