Managing Pin Allocation

You can reserve several pins of a component for a specific usage in session and / or database. You can also remove a pin from a reservation which consists in giving a free status to the pin.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin:
Related Topics
Business Rules

Manage Pin Allocation in Session

You can manage several pins of a component that are created in session.

  1. Select an electrical component in the specification tree.

  2. Click Pin Allocation Management .

    The Pin Allocation Management dialog box is displayed:

    For more information about the dialog boxe options, please refer to Pin Allocation Management dialog box description.

  3. To reserve a set of pins, select one or several free pins in the pin selection tree or enter a Pin number in the corresponding field.

  4. Click Reserve.

    A status message appears in the top right corner of the CATIA workbench:

    And a new tab Rsrv 1 is created containing the description of the first reservation.

  5. Select the new tab Rsrv 1:

    Note: The tree now contains only the reserved pins.

  6. To remove a pin from a reservation, click Rsrv 1, select 1 in the pin selection tree and click Remove / Update.

    A status message is displayed:

    And the first tab called Reserve pins becomes active by default to display the status of all the pins.

    Note: If a reservation contains only one pin that you removed, therefore the reservation and its corresponding tab will be deleted.

  7. Enter a description in Subtype in Rsrv 1 and click Remove / Update.

    The Reserve pins tab becomes active and a status message appears:

  8. Click Close.

  9. Propagate your system in database.

Manage Pin Allocation in Session and Database

You can manage several pins of a component that are loaded in session and database.

  1. Use the system you have just propagated above, in step 9.

  2. Select the component AC-DC (C).

  3. Click Pin Allocation Management .

    Note that the pins' symbols are now blue which means that these elements exist in session and in database:

  4. To reserve pins number 3 and 4), select them in the pin selection tree or enter a Pin number in the Reserve pins tab.

  5. Click Reserve.

    A status message is displayed:

    And a new tab Rsrv 2 is created.


    • If it is not already the case, the component will be locked in database, otherwise a message will be displayed explaining that it is already in sue in another session.
    • In our sample, 2 pins are reserved in session and all data is propagated in database.
    • At the end of the process, the component will be unlocked in database.
    • If your component is an Interface Connector, when you select the Pin Allocation Management, you will always reserve 2 pins together.

    Tip: You can use a validation business rule when you reserve a group of pins.