
This document describes the functions you can use to create Knowledgeware checks or rules for electrical logical objects.

These functions are available since you select the ElectricalLogicalFunction package from Tools > Options > Parameters and Measure > Knowledge Environment tab.

Related Topics
About Electrical Logical Systems


This table lists the functions you can use to create Knowledgeware checks or rules.

Important: An RFLPVPMLogicalInstance is a logical instance of a PLMElecLogicalNet/NetGroup/Wire/Cable.
Function Input Return

RFLVPMLogicalInstance of a

  • PLMElecLogicalNet
  • PLMElecLogicalNetGroup
  • PLMElecLogicalWire
  • PLMElecLogicalCable

RFLVPMLogicalInstance of the PLMElecLogical NetGroup / Cable under which the input object is grouped.



RFLVPMLogicalInstance of a

  • PLMElecLogicalNetGroup
  • PLMElecLogicalCable

List (RFLVPMLogicalInstance): all the instances of PLMElecLogicalNet / NetGroup / Wire / Cable grouped into the input object.


RFLVPMLogicalInstance of a

  • PLMElecLogicalNet
  • PLMElecLogicalNetGroup
  • PLMElecLogicalWire
  • PLMElecLogicalCable

Returns TRUE if the function succeeds, FALSE if a problem occurred. Adds the second instance to the structure of the first one.



RFLVPMLogicalInstance of a

  • PLMElecLogicalNet
  • PLMElecLogicalNetGroup
  • PLMElecLogicalWire
  • PLMElecLogicalCable

Returns TRUE if the function succeeds, FALSE if a problem occurred. Removes the second instance from the structure of the first one.


RFLVPMLogicalInstance of a

  • PLMElecLogicalNet
  • PLMElecLogicalWire

Returns TRUE if the function succeeds, FALSE if a problem occurred.

Retrieves the logical ports and the logical instances to which the input is connected, through logical connections.

Also refer to Functions.

List (RFLVPMLogicalPort), input/output
List (RFLVPMLogicalInstance and/or RFLVPMLogicalReference), input/output
New Object type (String):

  • PLMElecLogicalConnector
  • PLMElecLogicalEquipment (R2010 only)
  • PLMElecLogicalEnsEquipment
  • PLMElecLogicalHarness
  • PLMElecLogicalNet
  • PLMElecLogicalNetGroup
  • PLMElecLogicalWire
  • PLMElecLogicalCable
  • PLMElecLogicalConnectorPort
  • PLMElecLogicalPin

The created object (PLMElecLogical Connector / Harness /…).

Also refer to Functions.

Object name (String)
Father object (RFLVPMLogicalReference)
IsPinReserved RFLPVPMLogicalPort of a PLMElecLogicalPin Returns TRUE if the function succeeds, FALSE if a problem occurred.
RFLPVPMLogicalInstance of
  • PLMElecLogicalConnector
  • PLMElecLogicalEnsEquipment (R2010 only)
  • PLMElecLogicalEnsEquipment
Object Type (boolean)
List (Strings)
AssociateRoutable LogicalOccurrence: net / net group, wire / cable Returns TRUE if the function succeeds, FALSE if a problem occurred.

Associates a wire/cable to a net/net group.

DisassociateRoutable LogicalOccurrence: net / net group (input)

LogicalOccurrence: wire / cable (input)

Returns TRUE if the function succeeds, FALSE if a problem occurred.

Disassociates a wire/cable from a net/net group.

ListAssociatedRoutables LogicalOccurrence: net / net group (input) List: lists the associated routables for the net/net group.
GetElectricalConnectedEnds LogicalOccurrence: electrical objects

List of port to navigate through. If the list is Null, navigation is done through all ports.

List of electrical components found.

List of ports found.

Returns TRUE if everything succeeds, FALSE if a problem occurred.

Navigates through a list of ports to retrieve the electrical objects and the ports connected to the input component.

About the "GetElecEnds" Function

The following examples illustrate the return in a GetElecEnds function context.


For the wire W1, GeltElecEnds returns:

  • A list of ports: [P1, P3]
  • A list of instances: [C1, E2]


For the net N1, GetElecEnds returns:

  • A list of ports: [P1, P2, P3, P4]
  • A list of instances: [E4, E4, E2, E3]

Wire/Net Connected to a Reference

If the wire/net is directly connected to a reference (not through an instance), the instance item is the reference object.

For the wire W1, GetElecEnds returns:

  • A list of ports: P1, P3
  • A list of instances/references: System1, E2

Wire/Net not Connected

If the wire/net is not connected at all, the returned lists are NULL objects.

For the wire W1, GetElecEnds returns:

  • A list of ports: P3
  • A list of instances/references: E2

About the "New" Function

This section describes the function you can use to create new Electrical References and Ports.

New Electrical References

You can create new electrical References.


Creation of a connector component:

New ("PLMElecLogicalConnector", name, father)

Execution Rules

The name of the PLM entity to create. If the input string is empty, a business rule of the VPM Functional and Logical Editor will be used to set a default name.
The father is a logical reference.
  • If NULL: the function creates a new logical reference with an electrical extension
  • If not NULL: the function creates an instance of a new logical reference with an electrical extension, aggregated by the input father reference.

New Electrical Ports

You can create new Electrical Ports.


Creation of a connector port:

New ("PLMElecLogicalConnectorPort", name, father)

Execution Rules

Name of the PLM entity to create.

If the input string is empty, a business rule of the VPM Functional and Logical Editor will be used to set a default name.

The father is a logical reference.
  • If NULL: the function does not create any port.
  • If not NULL: the function creates a new logical port with an electrical extension, aggregated to the input father reference.