Accessing and Customizing Settings

You can access and customize settings for electrical branch geometry by selecting Equipment > Electrical Discipline > Electrical Assembly Design in Tools > Options.

  1. Select Tools > Options... from the menu bar.

    The Options dialog box appears.

  2. Select the Equipment > Electrical Discipline category, then the Electrical Assembly Design workbench in left-hand box.

    The options for Electrical Assembly Design appear, organized in tabs.

  3. Select the Electrical Geometry Management tab:

  4. Set options in this tab according to your needs.

    Options... Allow you to customize...
    Segment Creation Segment creation options
    Segment Connection Geometrical links for segments
    Branch Disconnection How to manage unused branch points
    Segment Profile Segment profile options
    Segment Computation Computation algorithm options
    Feedback for Branch Feedback message options
    Visual Feedback on Segment Curve Visual feedback options
    Protective Covering Instantiation Protective Covering Instantiation options
    Visualization for Local Slack Local Slack visualization option
    Collapse Node in Tree Specification Tree view option

    Two other settings, Keep link with selected object and External references, are also needed.

  5. Select Infrastructure > 3D Shape Infrastructure in the left-hand box.

  6. Select the General tab, then select Keep link with selected object.

    Option... Allows you to...
    Keep link with selected object Ensure associativity between the route points, devices or supports and the segment

  7. Select the Display tab, then select External references.

    Option... Allows you to...
    External references Display external references in the specification tree

  8. Click OK to save the settings and exit the Options dialog box.