Click Live Manipulator
in the Manipulator toolbar.
Click the Rotate
The Rotate command allows to move a sub-part of electrical geometry.
It is a rotation transformation from a pivot that is a branch end or
Select a branch or segment you want to rotate in the
geometry space:
the branch becomes highlighted
Live Manipulator toolbar appears near
the branch, to show the current option of the manipulator
the Robot automatically snaps onto the
other end of the branch, it is the center of rotation. The
Robot is also called Virtual Roll Center. It is visualized
like a disk and an arrow.
For more information about selection modes (Punctual,
Local and Global), please refer to
Accessing Commands in Live Manipulator.
Multi-selection of the branch from the same junction is
possible with the Ctrl key.
Selection in the Specification
Tree is not possible because the end of branch is mandatory
since the exact position of the selected point has to be known.
The branch point or branch end furthest to the point of selection
is selected as the rotate point and the Robot moves
on it.
In a sub-geometry, several branches may be impacted by rotate
and they are highlighted.
The rotation will be done in a plane parallel to the active
The default
General Parameters is the one you have defined in the Harness
Flattening Parameters dialog box at the beginning of your
There are two ways of selecting the rotation pivot:
If the Branch Point of a Branch is selected as the Rotate
pivot point, then the Branch will be split at this point and the split
Segments will be put in a new Branch.
If the Branch End is selected as the Rotate pivot point,
then no split will be done and the whole Branch will be rotated.
If you want to see a message when during the branch
split when rotating segments, you can check an option in Tools > Options
> Equipment > Electrical Discipline > Electrical Harness Flattening.
For more information, please refer to
Select the branch and move
it in real time where you want the sub-geometry to do the rotation. Thus
you can see the clashes.
A graduation circle and a
number show the value of rotation angle.
You can specify the rotation
- Specifying the main direction:
translation and radius are defined with the Virtual Roll Center.
- Entering an angle value:
graduation helps you to display the value of rotation or translation
Select the blue arrow
at the far end of the branch. Then, an editable field or spinner
dialog box pops up. You can set the value.
A message is displayed when the angle is inferior to the one defined
by default or by the Business Rule.
If you want to cancel the
command, you can press Escape on keyboard: the electrical geometry position
is restored. Or you can select another command and the Rotate
operation aborts.
If you want to validate the
preview, click in the 3D background. In this case, the rotation is really
executed, with a modification of the geometry data.
This may take some time depending
on the amount of data to handle.