Synchronizing Your 3D Flattened Geometry

You can synchronize your 3D flattened geometry automatically, at any time during your session, and in particular how to:

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin:

The two products are open.

Make sure you have correctly specified the synchronization report repository path.

Related Topics
About Synchronization
About the HTML Report

Synchronize 3D Flattened Geometry

You can define what you want to synchronize.

  1. In the initial design data, select a segment and modify its length, diameter, bend radius, instance name or color.

  2. Save your data.

  3. Switch back to the extracted data.

    Tip: Use Edit > Links and Relations... before synchronizing flattening links in order to update disconnected links, i.e. when you replace a device in a 3D Design.

  4. Click Synchronize .

    • If there is no selection in the specification tree, and only one Electrical Physical System has been modified, it will be synchronized. But, if more than one Electrical Physical System has been modified, you must select an Electrical Physical System otherwise a warning message will be displayed.
    • If there are no Electrical Physical Systems, all the Electrical Geometries will be selected and updated.
    • You can do a multi-selection (protective coverings, devices, supports, etc. at the same time).
    • In a previous task, Synchronization, you specified whether or not the segment ends were to be moved during synchronization. To modify this option, double-click the Flattening Parameters feature in the specification tree.
    • If errors are detected in the 3D electrical geometry, a dialog box is displayed informing that errors are found, and need to be corrected:
      The Network checker has detected some errors on electrical connection on the 3D Harness design.

      Do you want to clean the electrical link?

      After cleaning, the command stops because you must save 3D Harness Design. 

      • If you click OK, the errors are corrected.
      • If you click Cancel, the extraction process stops and no further action is taken.

    The Synchronize dialog box is displayed:

    It lets you define what you want to synchronize:

    • Components allows you to select which components you want to update: You can select as many components as needed at the same time. For details, see About Synchronization.
    • Actions allows you to customize the actions during the synchronization step: You can select as many actions as needed. For details, see About Synchronization.
    • Options lets you select the operations to run during synchronization. For details, see About Synchronization.

    During the synchronization step, the selected options only will be performed. An HTML report will be generated accordingly and will only show the selected options.

  5. Click OK to validate.

    A status bar appears showing the synchronization progress.

    Here are the different steps that can be seen through the synchronization process according to the options previously selected:

    • Analyze step is processing (here the electrical connections are also automatically selected)
    • Replaced components synchronization is processing
    • Removed components synchronization is processing
    • Segment structure synchronization is processing
    • Added components synchronization is processing
    • Attributes synchronization is processing
    • Knowledge parameter synchronization is processing
    • Generating Html report

    An HTML file is generated in the synchronization report repository if Html Report is selected. For more information about the html report, see About the HTML Report.

    The extracted document is updated if Simulation is not selected:

    • The Synchronize property of components that have been modified is set to True.
    • Resetting the synchronization history of components switches the Synchronize property back to False.

    Thus you can visualize what electrical components have been modified in the initial model.

    Note: If both Design Length and Flat Length have been increased (see Applying Length Tolerance), this Length Tolerance value is maintained on the segment portion even after the 3D flattened geometry synchronization.

    Tip: You can use Edit / Search to retrieve quickly all components.

Access Information about Flattened Product Impact Graph

If you want to look at the Impact Graph of the extracted model, to see the Harness from which the model was extracted, you can explore (or explode) the Representation containing Flattening Parameters. By exploring this Representation, you can see the links to the geometry model.

For this, you should:

  1. Modify your design in the Authoring View (3D).

  2. Open your design in the Navigation View.

  3. Select your Electrical Geometry or Physical System.

  4. Click Impact in the Bar. The Impact Graph dialog box is displayed, in which you can see the Flattening Representation with this symbol .

  5. Select the Impacted by tab and expand the links under the Flattening Representation .

    For more information about links, please refer to the Infrastructure User's Guide: Editing Links: About Links and Relations.

  6. Look for the Electrical Physical System node or the Electrical Geometry node through the link called 3D design link to harness (see Table below).

  7. Right-click this Electrical Geometry or Physical System and select the Explore with Parent Tree command. Thus, you open the Electrical Geometry or Physical System within the context of its parent and you can see both the Flattened Electrical Geometry and its parent in the Navigation window.

  8. Use the Expand All contextual command on the parent object.

  9. Select the parent product and click the Open Advanced contextual command to open all the Representations and Products under it. Therefore, the Flattening window opens.

  10. Click Synchronize and the Report is automatically updated with the new data, with the new modifications done in the 3D Design.

Flattening Links displayed in the Impact Graph:

From ... To ... Link name
Flattening Representation 3D Design Electrical Geometry or Physical System 3D flatten link to geometry
3D Flatten electrical components (segment, protection, device...) 3D design link to
3D Design Electrical Geometry or Physical System 3D flatten link to geometry
3D Flatten electrical components (segment, protection, device...) 3D design link to