About the HTML Report

An HTML Report is generated to describe the changes after synchronization. It is composed of accurate fields, which describe the changes that occurred during the synchronization.

This file explains the contents of the HTML report created during the synchronization.

Related Topics
About Synchronization
Synchronizing Your 3D Flattened Geometry

Only the tables which have modified components are shown, except for the Synchronization Parameters table, which is always present. They rely on the fields that can be found in the Synchronize dialog box.

  • Synchronization Parameters:

    • Option:
      • Simulation
      • Automatic flattening on added components
      • Reset the synchronization attributes.
    • Action:
    • Components:
      • Segments
      • Devices
      • Supports
      • Protective coverings
      • Wires.
  • List of Removed Components:
    • Harness Name
    • Segments
    • Devices
    • Supports
    • Protective coverings
    • Wires.
  • List of Added Components:
    • Harness Name
    • Segments
    • Devices
    • Supports
    • Protective coverings
    • Wires.
  • List of Replaced Components:
    • Harness Name
    • Devices
    • Supports.
  • List of Segment Structure Modifications:
    • Harness Name
    • Modification Number
    • Before
    • After.
  • List of Segment Attribute Modifications:
    • Harness Name
    • Name
    • Reference Designator
    • Length
    • Diameter
    • Bend Radius
    • Separation Code
    • Color.
  • List of Device Attribute Modifications:
    • Harness Name
    • Instance Name
    • Reference Designator
    • Sub Type
    • Part Number
    • If Moved
    • Orientation from backshell.
  • List of Support Attribute Modifications:
    • Harness Name
    • Instance Name
    • Part Number
    • Support Position.
  • List of Protective Covering Attribute Modifications:
    • Harness Name
    • Instance Name
    • Reference Designator
    • Layer Number
    • Taping Angle
    • Overlapping
    • Inner Diameter
    • Width
    • Thickness
    • Bend Radius
    • Linear Mass
    • Line Type
    • Length.
  • List of Wire Attribute Modifications:
    • Harness Name
    • Instance Name
    • Reference Designator
    • Sub Type
    • Diameter
    • Linear Mass
    • Bend Radius
    • Separation Code
    • Color
    • Modified Route.
  • List of Elements Showing an Error:
    • Harness Name
    • Instance Name
    • Error Message.

In the Synchronization Parameters table, the options that have been selected in the Synchronize dialog box are set to YES, the others are set to NO:

Synchronization Parameters

The Report describes Synchronization Parameters.

Options Actions Components
Simulation NO Remove components YES Segments YES
Automatic flattening on added components YES Add components YES Devices YES
Reset the synchronization attributes NO Replace component reference YES Supports NO
    Synchronize segment structure NO Protective coverings NO
    Synchronize attributes YES Wires YES
    Synchronize knowledge parameters YES    
In all the fields of the attribute and structure modification list, two lines appear:
  • The first line indicates the status of the component before synchronization.
  • The second line indicates the parameters that have been changed with the synchronization.

List of Wire Attribute Modifications

The Report describes the list of Wire attribute modifications.

Harness Name Instance Name Reference Designator Sub Type Diameter Linear Mass Bend Radius Separation Code Color Modified Route
Wire Harness2.1 Wire-plus1 Wire-plus1   2mm 0kg_m 20mm Attribute unset yellow  
        5mm         NO

The added, replaced, removed component fields have one line per element indicating the modifications.

List of Added Components

The Report describes the list of added components.

Harness Name Segments Devices Supports Diameter Protective Coverings Wires
Wire Harness2.1           Wire-minus1

Find hereafter the list of the errors that can occur during the synchronization and that will be reported in the HTML file:

  • "The 3D harness flattening and 3D harness design link is broken"
  • "Error during the Analyze"
  • "Error during the Remove Component Synchronization"
  • "Error during the Segment Structure Synchronization"
  • "Error during the Add Component Synchronization"
  • "Error during the Attribute Access"
  • "Error during the Replace Component Synchronization"
  • "Error during the Segment Attribute Synchronization - Different Segment Structure"
  • "Error during Attribute Synchronization - Internal link failed to 3D harness flattening from 3D harness design"
  • "Error during the Segment Attribute Synchronization - Different Number of Supports"
  • "Error during the Segment Attribute Synchronization - Different Supports Configuration"
  • "Error during the Add Component - The original component document is not saved"
  • "Error during the Wire Route Synchronization"
  • "Error during the Protective Covering Synchronization - Underlying Curves are not connected"
  • "Error during the Protective Covering Synchronization - Underlying Curves are not tangential"
  • "Error during the Device Move"
  • "Error during Segment Move"

List of Elements Showing an Error

The Report describes the list of elements showing an error.

Harness Name Instance Name Error Message
Geometrical Harness.1 Connector_F.1 Error during Add Component Synchronization
Connector_F.2 Error during Add Component Synchronization
Tip: The HTML report is generated with a default Cascading Style Sheet document (.css) that can be personalized.

List of the Synchronization Configuration Errors

The Report describes the list of Synchronization configuration errors.

Harness Product Error Message
No variability space This product does not have variability space so the effectivity on this product cannot be synchronized, thanks to change option on Flattening parameters.
Variability space, but no effectivity on sub-product Sub-product Name | The variability space of parent product in 3D Flatten does not contain the effectivity of 3D Design, change it to get a successful synchronization.