Modifying Offsets

You can edit offset value by double-clicking on it. When offsetting a face, if there is an intersection between the face and the sketch plane, by default, it is this intersection which is offset (rather than the projection of the face edges).

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: Create a simple pad. Return to the Sketcher and create an offset.
Related Topics
Offsetting 3D Elements
Duplicating 2D Elements Using Offset
More about Modifying Offsets

Edit Offset Values

You can edit offset value by double-clicking on it.

  1. Double-click the offset value you want to edit.

  2. Enter a new value in the dialog box which is displayed.

  3. Click OK to confirm. The offset has been modified accordingly.

Modify Offset Parameters

When offsetting a face, if there is an intersection between the face and the sketch plane, by default, it is this intersection which is offset (rather than the projection of the face edges).

In this case, if you want to offset the projection of the face edges, you can modify the offset as explained in this task.

  1. Double-click the offset in the specification tree (Offset node) or on the sketch. The Offset Definition dialog box is displayed to let you modify the offset.

  2. Click in the Object to offset field and select the new sketcher element you want to offset.

  3. In the Offset value field, type 20mm.

  4. Choose Project and offset from the Offset mode field.

  5. Click OK to validate. The offset is modified.