More about Modifying Offsets

In Offset dialog box you can modify the offset definition. You can modify its mode, corner type and propagation.

The following topics are discussed:

Related Topics
Modifying Offsets

Offset Definition Dialog Box

In this dialog box, you can modify the offset definition.

Parallel corner type

This option specifies whether corners should be:

  • Round

  • or Sharp

    Note that this option applies only when the offset results in extrapolated curves.

Offset Mode

When offsetting a face, Offset Mode specifies whether you want to intersect and offset (Intersect and offset) or to project and offset (Project and offset) the face.


These options let you offset a 3D element using the propagation of an edge.

  • Type: specifies what type of offset propagation should be applied to the selected reference element:
    • No propagation,
    • Tangent propagation: offsets the element you select as well as the elements tangent to it.
    • Point propagation: duplicates the element you select as well as connex elements.
  • Reference Element: indicates which edge should be used as a reference for the propagation. Select this field and then select the reference edge in the sketch.

More about Editing Offsets

There are a few things that you need to know when editing offsets.

When , keep in mind that:

  • Only 3D elements can be offset with associativity.
  • There is no propagation on 3D edges.
  • Multi-domain elements cannot be offset in one shot.
  • If you apply the Parents/Children... command to a sketch containing an offset obtained after selecting a face or an edge, the Parents command shows the last solid feature that modified the offset geometry. To see an example of this, refer to Sketcher Users' Guide: Projecting 3D Elements onto the Sketch Plane: Parents/Children.