Offsetting 3D Elements

You can create an associative offset with a 3D element using Offset command.

Important: It is not possible to offset 3D elements from Drafting workbenches.

Before you begin: Create a pad.
Related Topics
Duplicating 2D Elements Using Offset
Modifying Offsets
  1. Click Offset in the Operation toolbar (Transformation sub-toolbar).

  2. Select any surface of the pad.

    The profile to be created is previewed.

  3. You can do one of the following:

    • Specify the offset position or value in the Sketch tools toolbar and press Enter to validate.

    • Move the cursor till the correct offset appears in the sketch, then click to validate the position.

      The offset is created, with the offset value displayed.

    It appears as Mark.1 in the specification tree:

Tip: Keep in mind that:
  • When offsetting a face, if there is an intersection between the face and the sketch plane, by default, it is this intersection which is offset (rather than the projection of the face edges). In this case, if you want to offset the projection of the face edges, you can modify the offset as explained in the section below.
  • You can offset the intersection between a face and a sketch plane without explicitly creating this intersection.
  • lf you offset a multi-domain face, the face that is closer from the cursor is offset.
  • If you isolate a composite mark, as many simple geometry elements as the mark was containing are created, and associativity will not be available anymore.
  • Only 3D elements can be offset with associativity.
  • There is no propagation on 3D edges.
  • Typing a negative offset value reverses the offset direction.
  • Multi-domain elements cannot be offset in one shot.
  • If you apply the Parents/Children... command to a sketch containing an offset obtained after selecting a face or an edge, the Parents command shows the last solid feature that modified the offset geometry. To see an example of this, see Sketcher Users' Guide: Projecting 3D Elements onto the Sketch Plane: Parents/Children.