Duplicating Multiple 2D Elements Using Offset

The offset options allow you to create one or more offset instances to profiles made of several elements.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin:

Create a rectangle, then apply the Corner command to one of its corners.

Related Topics
Duplicating 2D Elements Using Offset
Offsetting 3D Elements
Modifying Offsets
More about Duplicating 2D Elements Using Offset

Offset an Element and Elements Tangent to It

The Tangent Propagation option in the Sketch tools toolbar offsets the element you select as well as the elements tangent to it.

  1. Click Offset in the Operation toolbar (Transformation sub-toolbar).

    The Sketch tools toolbar now displays four offset options and four different fields (see More about Duplicating 2D Elements Using Offset) for duplicating elements.

  2. Click Tangent Propagation in the Sketch tools toolbar.

    The Tangent Propagation offsets the element you select as well as the elements tangent to it.

  3. Select the element you want to offset. All the elements to be created appear as you drag the cursor.

  4. In the Instances field of the Sketch tools toolbar, keep 1 as the number of offset instances you want to create.

  5. Select a point or click where you want the new elements to be located, or if you know where these elements must be precisely located, use one or more Sketch tools toolbar value fields for defining the location.

  6. Press Enter when done.

Offset an Element using Point Propagation

The Point Propagation option in the Sketch tools toolbar duplicates the element you select as well as conex elements.

  1. Click Offset .

    The Sketch tools toolbar now displays four offset options and four different fields (see More about Duplicating 2D Elements Using Offset) for duplicating elements.

  2. Select Point Propagation .

    The Point Propagation duplicates the element you select as well as conex elements.

  3. Select the element you want to offset. All the elements to be created appear as you drag the cursor.

  4. In the Instances field of the Sketch tools toolbar, keep 1 as the number of offset instances you want to create.

  5. Select a point or click where you want the new element to be located, or if you know where these elements must be precisely located, use one or more Sketch tools toolbar value fields for defining the location.

    Offset options allow you to create one or more offset instances to profiles made of several elements:

    • This is not true for generated elements (Generative Drafting workbench).
    • If the multi-selected elements do not make up a closed profile, the offset will be applied to the selected elements only. As a result, you will have as many offset elements as the first multi-selected elements.
    • Previews are not available when creating several offset instances (i.e. when the value in the Instances field of the Sketch tools toolbar is higher than one).