Balloons in DesignSight

Many of the tools in DesignSight are accessed using dynamic, contextual toolbars called balloons.

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The balloon toolbar is used to specify the type of simulation feature you want to apply to a surface. A balloon appears when you select a surface on your part. Initially the balloon is displayed in an inobtrusive low-light mode, but it becomes more visible if you hover over it. The options in the balloon depend on the current action in the Simulation Panel; some actions do not use balloons.

Tip: If you use [Ctrl]+[Click] to select multiple surfaces, you can apply the same feature to all surfaces using a single balloon.

The feature type appears in the right side of the balloon. To change the feature, hover over it and select a new feature from the vertical balloon that appears.

The Undo tool in the balloon reverses the most recent action you performed over the course of defining a feature. You can undo any sequence of actions up to the initial surface selection (at which point the balloon disappears). The Undo tool in the balloon is slightly different from the Undo tool in the Edit menu. The Undo tool in the Edit menu deletes the most recently created feature, or reverses the most recent modification to an existing feature (see Reversing Actions for more information).