The Robot in DesignSight

The robot in DesignSight assists with the definition of spatial and directional aspects of certain simulation features.

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Using the Robot

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The robot is a graphic manipulator that should be familiar to you from other V6 applications. If not, review Using the Robot in the Infrastructure User's Guide for information about how to interact with the robot.

In DesignSight the robot is used to define the location and/or direction of certain simulation features. When applying one of these features to a surface, the robot is initially positioned close to the center of the selected surface; you can subsequently manipulate the robot by dragging it along an axis, rotating it around an arc, or using the manipulation handle to move the robot onto a point or vertex in the model.

Tip: To allow more precise control of robot manipulations, double-click the robot to edit its parameters. The parameters dialog box lets you position the robot on specific model coordinates or move the robot according to exact increments. For more information, see Manipulating Objects Using the Edit... Command in the Infrastructure User's Guide.

For specific information about how the robot is used with a particular feature, refer to the documentation for that feature in the simulation Method Guides.