Synchronizing Links and Relations

You can synchronize links or relations manually.

Before you begin: Open an existing product containing 3D shapes with links and relations between them.
Related Topics
About Links and Relations
Synchronizing Link or Relation Using the Synchronization Assistant
Edit Links and Relations Dialog Box
  1. Click Impact .

    The Edit Links & Relations dialog box appears and contains the following relations:

  2. Select the relation you want to synchronize and click Synchronize link .

    The relation is synchronized.


    When links or relations cannot be synchronized, the Selection Assistant dialog box appears in order to help you to synchronize them.

  3. Make no selection and click Synchronize link to synchronize all unsynchronized relations:


    When links or relations cannot be synchronized, the Selection Assistant dialog box appears in order to help you to synchronize them.

  4. Click OK in the Edit Links & Relations dialog box.