About Links and Relations

The edit links and relations includes several concepts which are described here.

Related Topics
Edit Links and Relations Dialog Box
East Quadrant: Links and Knowledge


Links and Relations definitions.

  • A relation defines the set of links between PLM components, and can be oriented or not.
  • A link is defined by the PLM component elements involved in the link and its type.

Cross Highlight

The Edit Links & Relations dialog box allows you to select an element from the list and see it in the Specification Tree and Geometry Window, and reciprocally


This behavior is only available for relation in Edit Links & Relations dialog box, not for links.

Example 1

Select UserDefine.1,

highlights UserDefine.1 itself and PLM components involved in its relations, in the Specification Tree and Geometry Window.

Example 2

Select EH_Product55654.1,

highlights EH_Product55654.1 itself, in the Specification Tree and Geometry Window.