Setting Backbone and Peripheral Device Broker Port Numbers

This tasks explains how to set backbone and peripheral device broker port numbers.

This task shows you how to:

Run DYSetCommPorts

The syntax of the command is as follows:

DSYSetCommPorts [-backbonePorts p1 p2] [-VRPort p3]|-h

The parameters are:

Parameter Description
-backbonePorts p1 p2 Specifies communication ports for backbone. Default values are 55555 and 55556.
-VRPort p3 Specifies communication port for peripheral device broker - default value is 55557.
-h Displays help.

To run the command using the default values:

  1. Log on as administrator.

  2. Open a Command Prompt window and go to the installation directory, for example:

    C:\Program Files\Dassault Systemes\B211\intel_a\code\bin
    C:\Program Files\Dassault Systemes\B211\win_b64\code\bin

  3. Enter the command:


    When used with the default values, it adds the following lines:

    catiav5bb 55555/tcp #Dassault Systemes Communication ports
    catiav5run 55556/tcp #Dassault Systemes Communication ports
    CATDeviceBroker 55557/tcp #Dassault Systemes Communication ports

    to the file:


Run BBDemonService

You can also use the BBDemonService command to set up the backbone.

  1. Log on as root.

  2. Enter the command:

BBDemonService [-create [-backbonePorts port1 port2] ] [-delete] [-start] [-stop]

The syntax of the command is as follows:

Parameter Description
-create [-backbonePorts port1 port2]

A backbone daemon is created as a service and started. You can monitor the daemon by selecting Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services. The name of the service is

Backbone Service 

The name of the executable program that corresponds to the backbone service is


which you can track using the Task Manager.

If necessary, updates the file:


and creates the Backbone Service demon and starts it.

  • if the option

    is not used, and if the


    file already contains the lines




    it is not modified. If it does not contain these lines, it is updated using the default ports 55555 and 55556 if they are free, if not, an error occurs and the command fails

  • if the option
    is used, a check is performed to see if the above-specified ports are free, and the port numbers are added to the
    file; if they are not, the file is updated using the port number specified with the option.
-delete Stops the Backbone Service and deletes it.
-start Starts the Backbone Service.
-stop Stops the Backbone Service.