abaqus_lm_licensefile |
Location of the Abaqus FLEXnet license server host. See Licensing Requirements for more information. |
Directory where simulations will be performed. For execution on an Abaqus Simulation Engine cluster, this directory must be shared among all execution hosts. The default value is the user's home directory. On a submission host used for queue submissions, this variable also specifies the directory in which the job-specific grid submission files are created (see Creating the Submission Template). |
For queue submission, the command used to cancel a job submitted to the grid job scheduler. |
grid_log |
For queue submission, the location of a log file for writing error and diagnostic messages. |
grid_monitor |
For queue submission, the command used to monitor a job submitted to the grid job scheduler. |
grid_submit |
For queue submission, the command used to submit a job to the grid job scheduler. |
grid_template |
For queue submission, the location of the submission template file (see Creating the Submission Template). |
Maximum percentage of physical memory that can be allocated while performing a simulation. |
mp_mpirun_path |
Path to the MPI launcher. MPI is part of HPC Server 2008 on Windows, and it is installed with the Abaqus Simulation Engine on Linux. You should not change the value of this parameter unless MPI is installed in a nondefault location on Windows. |
scratch |
Directory used for scratch files during a simulation. A subdirectory will be created under this directory to hold the scratch files; the name of the subdirectory is constructed from the submitter's user name, the job ID, and the job's process number. The subdirectory and its contents are deleted upon completion of the simulation. The default value is the value of the TMPDIR environment variable or the TEMP environment variable if TMPDIR is not defined; if neither variable is defined, \TEMP is used on Windows and /tmp is used on Linux. |